Friday, December 14, 2012

Ways to Fly Private Jets

There are really three options to choose from when deciding to fly a private jet.

1) Fractional ownership is among the most common, this is when customers have the opportunity to purchase a percentage of the aircraft (as little as 1/16th) and own that aircraft as an asset. With this option, owners are also responsible for the cost of management fees, maintenance fees, and operational expenses when traveling in the jet. NetJets is the biggest player in the market for fractional ownership.

      2)  Jetcards are another option that is becoming more and more popular. It allows a client to prepay for flight hours they plan to use within a set amount of time. Usually the hours purchased are in 25 hour increments, and are for a particular aircraft. The benefit of the jetcard is that you aren’t responsible for the maintenance fees associated with ownership, however you still typically pay for the operational costs of your specific flight.
      3)  The other option is outright ownership, which is clearly the most expensive choice of the three. This is really only recommended to people who fly several hundred hours a year, and who have the wealth to not only purchase a private jet but also afford all the additional costs that come with ownership. Among the costs: a management team to run the jet and contract out unused hours,  operational and maintenance costs, and the cost of pilots and crew.

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